Handling CSV files in Swift can be a straightforward process with the help of TabularData. This framework provides a simple and efficient way to read and write CSV files. With TabularData, you can easily load and save CSV files with fileImporter and fileExporter. Here is how I set them up.
Streamlining CSV Data Import with Swift TabularData, FileImporter and FileExporter
Use GPU-accelerated PyTorch on Mac
Set up Environment
I have been used GPU accelerated TensorFlow on my MacBook Pro with AMD GPU. Now Pytorch has joined this field.
Customize keras layer
Model Selection to Prevent Over-fitting
Demo Dataset
import numpy as np from sklearn import datasets iris = datasets.load_iris() iris.data.shape, iris.target.shape
Note for Data Exploration and Features Selection
The full jupyter notebook is here.
Demo dataset
The following data is used to set up demos for the following data exploration templates.
Application of Generative Adversarial Network to Generate miRNA Like Structures
Generative adversarial network is an powerful tool in generation of images, style change, and voice conversion. MicroRNA (miRNA) is an single-stranded non-coding RNA with essential functions in RNA silencing and post transcriptional regulation in gene regulation. Customized miRNAs could help us to silence specific gene and be utilized in gene therapy. Here I applied GAN on generation of miRNA like structures as a personal little project to discover the potential of GAN in novel miRNA design. The full jupyter notebooks are here.
Install and Use Mac-optimized TensorFlow and TensorFlow Addons
Recently Apple had provided a Mac optimized TensorFlow which is able to utilize Mac’s machine learning framework and GPUs. The link to Apple’s blog is here. Because I am using Anaconda and conda as my major python virtual environment manager, here is my note for installation and testing.
Kaggle study note: concatenate different types of layers in keras
In Kaggle competition of COVID-19 case prediction, we sometimes need to combind different types of layers and branch the output. It is efficient to create a template for the next application.
Implement bagging and optimize models by scikit-learn
Bagging is an ensamble method which would be helpful when the model is complex, easy to overfit. We can do voting or average the results from different models. It is not necessary to include all the models but just those estimators that can give you the best result. For optimization of hyper parameters, I have applied GridSearchCV. For cross validation, I used StratifiedKFold. The best estimators will be stored in a list and VotingClassifier is applied to implement the bagging process.
Note: Summary of scores about evaluation of machine learning models
This is the note of the scores which is applied to evaluate the performance of machine learning models. In this study note, it includes Accuracy, Confusion Matrix, Precision, Recall, and F1-score. For visualize the performance, we can use Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC curve) and Area under curve (AUC)
Use latex and github table style in my jekyll blog
This is my little note about setting latex and table format for jekyll blog.